BAEC Has Been Licensed to Import Nuclear Fuel to Rooppur NPP
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Jul 18, 2023

BAEC Has Been Licensed to Import Nuclear Fuel to Rooppur NPP

The official ceremony to hand over class B, D, E licenses for the nuclear fuel handling, storage and transportation, to the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), the operator in Bangladesh has been held in the city of Pabna (the People's Republic of Bangladesh).

The document was issued by the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA). ?lass B license authorizes purchase, ownership, handling and storage of nuclear materials, class D license allows a Russian transport company to transport nuclear materials, while class E provides for the possibility of nuclear materials import.
The official ceremony to hand-over the license was opened by Zialul Hasan, the Minister of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, who stressed the importance of the Rooppur NPP construction project currently implemented in Bangladesh and wished its successful implementation.  On behalf of the Russian side, the event was attended by Alexey Ferapontov, the Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) and Andrey Petrov, the First Deputy Director General for Nuclear Power of the Rosatom State Corporation – ASE JSC President. Alexey Deriy, ASE JSC Vice President - Director for Rooppur NPP Construction Project spoke about the progress of the first nuclear power plant construction project in Bangladesh in 2023.

“The delivery of nuclear fuel to the nuclear power plant is a complex multi-level process that should meet all international safety standards. The next stage of this process is the acceptance inspection in Novosibirsk. The fuel will not be shipped and delivered to the Rooppur NPP until all necessary inspections and scheduled procedures have been completed,” said Alexey Deriy.

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