XFuels Begins Development of Fuel Cell Technology
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Feb 4, 2016

XFuels Begins Development of Fuel Cell Technology

XFuels Inc. is pleased to report it will begin development on a combined hydrogen and carbon fuel cell using both XFuels' hydrogen capture technology and our non-thermal plasma reforming technology with Converde Inc.'s Carbon fuel project.

The resulting system will be targeted for small and mid market applications with focus on natural gas and biogas conversion to start. The company will integrate our coal slurry reforming technology once there is a successful pilot on the gas system.

Mr. Michael McLaren, CEO, stated, "Having a combined Carbon/Hydrogen fuel cell gives the advantage of using the entire product for electricity and heat production. Most systems to date use conversion technologies to change the carbon into hydrogen via another reaction. The XFuels system will not have to do that conversion and will simplify the system, thus reducing cost and increasing efficiency."

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Converde Inc., XFuels' parent company, is currently in negotiations to purchase several gas wells in Alberta, Canada, where the company plans to build and test the pilot project. Management has a target date of August to finish and implement the pilot project.

Mr. McLaren further stated, "We have an aggressive timeline for this product development, however most of the technology involved is already fully developed by the companies and is utilized in other systems. We believe we can make an aggressive timeline for this project, due to the fact it's only a matter of integrating the technologies into a new system."

XFuels Inc.