Piedmont Natural Gas has received approval from the Tennessee Public Utility Commission to reduce customer billing rates due to a decrease in the market cost of natural gas. The decrease will be reflected beginning with customers’ April 2023 bills.
This rate reduction translates to a savings of approximately $3 per month, or $36 per year, for the average Tennessee residential customer. Piedmont previously decreased the benchmark cost in Tennessee effective with customers’ January 2023 and March 2023 bills, for a total annual savings of $421 for the average residential customer.
“Piedmont is continually working to keep costs as low as possible for our customers,” said Sasha Weintraub, senior vice president and president of Piedmont Natural Gas. “We’re happy the downward trend in the cost of natural gas allows us to provide some relief following the winter months, when increased usage driven by colder temperatures may have resulted in higher bills.”
By Technology (FT-SPK, HEFA-SPK, HFS-SIP, ATJ-SPK, CHJ, FT-SPK/A, HC-HEFA-SPK), by Fuel Type (Biofuel, Hydrogen Fuel, Power to Liquid, Gas to Liquid), by Platform (Commercial Aviation, Military Aviation, Business & General Aviation, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), by Blending Capacity (Below 30%, 30% to 50%, Above 50%) and Region, with Forecasts from 2024 to 2034
Download free sample pagesPiedmont requests periodic rate adjustments to reflect fluctuations in the market price of the natural gas it purchases for its customers. By law, Piedmont does not mark up the cost of natural gas and must pass through the actual cost on a dollar-for-dollar basis to customers.
“Even with these cost reductions, we recognize there are customers who may continue to struggle with paying their bills, and we encourage customers to apply for assistance, enroll in our Equal Payment Plan and implement energy-saving tips to help take control of their natural gas bills,” added Weintraub.
This free service helps customers manage their budgets by eliminating high winter bills. The EPP program levels out a customer’s natural gas bills, allowing them to pay a predictable, equal monthly amount to help avoid billing surprises. Piedmont determines this payment by adding up a customer’s annual natural gas usage and then dividing it into the same payment amount each month. Learn more here .
Piedmont regularly communicates with customers about the programs and assistance available to help them manage their bills. The winter bill resource page at piedmontng.com/WinterBills shares information about utility assistance administered by agencies in their state and local communities.
Share the Warmth provides funds to local agencies to assist families with their utility bills, no matter the source of energy they use.
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) provides winter heating assistance to pay for natural gas, electric and other methods customers use to heat their homes. There are many customers who are eligible but do not apply for this annual federal benefit that can reduce winter heating costs for low-income families. Information on how to apply locally: thda.org/help-for-homeowners/energy-assistance-programs/low-income-home-energy-assistance-program-liheap .
Piedmont says anyone in need should apply for this and other newly available programs to see if they qualify. For detailed federal and state-specific information, go to piedmontng.com/WinterBills and click on your state.
Piedmont Natural Gas also offers a variety of energy-saving tools to help customers and our communities identify ways to save money and energy all year long. These programs and tools help customers understand what factors are impacting their natural gas bills and emphasize specific actions they can take to reduce the impacts of high winter usage.
Natural gas use typically spikes in the winter as customers combat low temperatures to stay warm. Below are tips to help manage your energy use when temperatures decline. B-roll of energy efficiency measures is available here .
Set your thermostat to the lowest comfortable setting to help save. Installing a “smart” or programmable thermostat will also help reduce your energy use while you are asleep or away.
Leave drapes or blinds open during sunny winter days to allow the sun to warm the house. Close them at night to help insulate your home.
Change air filters regularly. A dirty air filter makes a heating system work harder, which uses more energy.
Manage water heating. Set your water heater temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or consider installing an on-demand or tankless water heater that only heats water when you need it.
Learn how to reduce energy use. The first step to reduce energy use in your home is to identify and prioritize energy-saving improvements. This can be accomplished through a certified auditor or by performing your own energy audit.
Seal air ducts. Make sure the air ducts from your home’s furnace and central air conditioner are properly sealed. Ducts that leak into the attic or crawl space can substantially increase your heating and cooling bills.
Seal your home. One of the quickest energy-saving tasks you can do is caulk, seal and weatherstrip all seams, cracks and openings to the outside. This can save 10% to 20% on your heating and cooling bills.
Consider insulation. Consider whether you need to add insulation to your ceilings, floors and walls. Insulation between the indoors and outdoors reduces energy demand, saving you money while improving the comfort of your home.
Piedmont Natural Gas, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, distributes natural gas to more than 1.1 million residential, commercial, industrial and power generation customers in North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Piedmont Natural Gas earned the No. 1 spot in customer satisfaction with residential natural gas service in the South among large utilities, according to the J.D. Power 2022 U.S. Gas Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study, and has been named by Cogent Reports as one of the most trusted utility brands in the U.S. More information: piedmontng.com . Follow Piedmont Natural Gas: Twitter , Facebook .
une’s 2022 “World’s Most Admired Companies” list and Forbes’ “World’s Best Employers” list. More information is available at duke-energy.com . The Duke Energy News Center contains news releases, fact sheets, photos and videos. Duke Energy’s illumination features stories about people, innovations, community topics and environmental issues. Follow Duke Energy on Twitter , LinkedIn , Instagram and Facebook .