ICF Awarded $13.6 Million Energy Efficiency Contract from Co
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May 10, 2017

ICF Awarded $13.6 Million Energy Efficiency Contract from Con Edison

ICF, a consulting and technology services provider to government and commercial clients around the world, has won a contract to assist Con Edison with its residential energy efficiency programs.

“ICF brings a strong market transformation perspective, making us the ideal partner to help Con Edison work with its residential customers to reduce their energy usage and bills.”

The contract between ICF and Con Edison, the energy company that serves New York City and Westchester County, New York, was awarded in the first quarter and is valued at $13.6 million for three years.

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ICF will work with Con Edison to plan, design and market the programs, which help Con Edison customers make energy-saving upgrades to their homes. The company will also provide Con Edison with detailed analytics, call center support and information technology services. Con Edison’s residential energy efficiency programs include incentives for upgrades to HVAC, lighting, appliances and smart thermostats.

“With this win, ICF is working in every sector of New York State’s energy efficiency market, implementing residential, small business and commercial programs in the New York City area and upstate,” said Mike Mernick , senior vice president for ICF. “ICF brings a strong market transformation perspective, making us the ideal partner to help Con Edison work with its residential customers to reduce their energy usage and bills.”

ICF has worked with Con Edison on its residential, small business, commercial and industrial and multi-family energy efficiency programs for more than 10 years.