Array Technologies Completes 25MW Project in New Mexico with
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Apr 12, 2017

Array Technologies Completes 25MW Project in New Mexico with Duke Energy

Array Technologies, Inc., the global leader in solar tracking solutions and services, recently announced the completion of a 25 megawatt (MW) solar tracking installation at the Caprock Solar Farm in Quay County, New Mexico. Array worked alongside engineering, procurement and construction provider Swinerton Renewable Energy to bring efficient solar energy assets to project owner Duke Energy Renewables. The Western Farmers Electric Cooperative has contracted a 25-year power purchase agreement for the solar energy from the project. The partners will celebrate the project’s completion at an onsite ribbon cutting ceremony on April 12, 2017.

The Caprock solar project will bring renewable energy to about 5,000 homes across Quay County. This is one of the first sites to utilize Array’s new vertical mount motor technology, which ensures flood-plain compatibility, increasing reliability over a project’s expected 30-year lifespan.

Array’s design philosophy is focused on providing the most robust and reliable solar tracking solutions to customers, and the new vertical mount motor technology is just one example of the company’s continued innovations toward this goal. As part of Array’s mission to continuously improve durability, this technology is now the new standard for all Array installations.

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“We’re proud to partner with Duke Energy Renewables and bring even more clean, reliable energy to residents in our home state of New Mexico,” said Ron Corio, CEO of Array Technologies. “From more than 28 years of experience, we’ve learned that anything that can happen in the field, will happen in the field. We’re excited to integrate our new vertical mount motor technology and increase resilience at the Caprock project site.”

Array Technologies, Inc.