Azuri Wins Edison Award Second Year Running
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Apr 16, 2018

Azuri Wins Edison Award Second Year Running

The Edison Awards, often described as ‘the Oscars of Innovation” has named Azuri Technologies, AzuriTV Solar Home System the Silver Winner for social innovations creating a social impact. The award makes it the second successive year in which Azuri Technologies has been chosen for this prestigious award, having been named the Gold Winner for Sustainability/Solar Solution in 2017 for HomeSmart™ the first usage of artificial intelligence in small domestic solar home systems.

The Edison Awards recognises the best in innovation and excellence in the development of new products from organisations across the globe. AzuriTV is a complete Solar Home System that includes solar-powered media products that have opened up a world of content for the millions who those living in off-grid in Africa.

Providing access to electricity and modern digital services is how Azuri is reducing the digital divide in rural Africa. New innovations, such as AzuriTV, ensure access to local and global TV content, which is now affordable, and can be accessed by rural households. Having access to this kind of content encourages rural households to have a voice and participate in political and economic processes.

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The system itself is comprised of innovative, energy-efficient technology to provide a solar-powered 24-inch TV and over 50 channels, for the first time, to thousands of rural off-grid households for less than $1 per day. The system also includes a 50W solar panel, battery, lights, radio, torch, and mobile phone charging.
