Jun 16, 2023
Jun 15, 2023
Jun 2, 2023
Solid oxide electrolysis cells that operate at high temperature provide high performance and efficiency, and can make use of waste heat or steam from...
May 31, 2023
Sustainable Energy Hydro Power
As part of a newly established collaborative, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) will co-lead an effort to establish a bioindustrial...
May 12, 2023
Sustainable Energy Bio Energy
Scientists have engineered bacteria to produce new-to-nature carbon products that could provide a powerful route to sustainable biochemicals. The...
May 9, 2023
Underground Water Could be the Solution to Green Heating and Cooling
A Biofuel Breakthrough Courtesy of Fungi
Electric Vehicle Batteries Could Get Big Boost With New Polymer Coating
How a Record-Breaking Copper Catalyst Converts CO2 Into Liquid Fuels
New Compound That Withstands Extreme Heat and Electricity Could Lead to Next-generation Energy Storage Devices
Doubling Protected Lands for Biodiversity Could Require Tradeoffs With Other Land Uses, Study Finds
Emerging Hydrogen Storage Technology Could Increase Energy Resilience
Successful Start of Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Follows Record-Setting Trial Run
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